Zinara temporarily closes head office after employees tested positive for COVID-19

Zinara temporarily closes head office after employees tested positive for COVID-19. Zinara spokesperson, Mr Tendai Mugabe said some employees tested positive, while the organisation was carrying out mandatory testing of its staff.

The Zimbabwe National Road Administration (Zinara) has temporarily closed its head office after some employees tested positive to Covid-19 to allow disinfection of the premises.

“Zinara has taken a decision to do mandatory Covid-19 testing for all its employees. The process started last week at the head office in Harare. From those who have been tested, some employees were found to be positive and have since been put in self-isolation to recover at home,” said Mr Mugabe.

“In line with the World Health Organisation regulations and provisions of Statutory Instrument 174 of 2020, Zinara has temporarily closed its head office until 5 August 2020 to allow for disinfection.

“The organisation continues to take all the necessary preventative measures to ensure the safety of its employees and that of its stakeholders.

“In this regard, social distancing and other Covid-19 regulations such as sanitisation and temperature checking are strictly followed. Zinara has reduced the number of staff compliment at all its offices and other employees will be operating from home.”

Source – Zimbos eXpress

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