Man sets house on fire while children sleep

A Shurugwi man Alec Adam is facing attempted murder charges after he set fire on a house where his brother’s two children were sleeping.

Adam of Mashoko Village under Chief Ndanga appeared before Shurugwi Magistrate Percy Mukumba this week.
Adam set his brother’s house alight because he was angry that the brother had accompanied the former’s wife to her parents’ place after he had chased her away.

It is the State case that on August 18, Adam had a domestic dispute with his wife Ropafadzo Machaya and he ordered her to pack her bags and go together with their two little children. The accused’s brother decided to accompany the wife to her aunt’s place.

This angered Adam who set the hut on fire. Lovejoy Nyevera noticed the fire and went to rescue the children who were already screaming for help.

Adam was remanded in custody to a further date.

Source – Zimbos eXpress

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