Update: Manhunt for man who bashed wife to death

Update: Manhunt for man who bashed wife to death. The incident occurred on August 8 and the suspect has been on the run ever since. Mthimkhulu is said to have travelled to Gwanda and on his return was informed about his wife’s extramarital affair.

A 32-year-old man from Spring Farm on the outskirts of Bulawayo is on the run after allegedly beating his wife to death with a garden hose, accusing her of cheating on him.

Herbert Mthimkhulu, a caretaker at the farm, beat Nokwanda Dube (28) to death after his aunt told him that she was cheating on him.

He is said to have summoned his wife to his younger brother’s home within the same compound and savagely assaulted her using a hose. Mthimkhulu is said to have stopped beating her after intervention from members of the public.

Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube said Mthimkhulu left his brother’s residence and continued to beat her up at their home. Dube is said to have sustained deep cuts and blisters all over her body as a result of the assault.

Insp Ncube said the person who reported the matter to the police discovered that Dube’s health had seriously deteriorated, leading to her death, moments later.

“Upon arrival, she found deceased sleeping on a mattress wearing only tights looking too weak. The now-deceased asked the informant to prepare porridge for her while requesting to be assisted to visit the toilet.

Dube also asked, the informant to help dress her up as she had been beaten up again. She showed her injuries on her thighs and hands but before she could tell the informant more, the accused ordered her to stop talking,” said Insp Ncube.

Source – Zimbos eXpress

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