Jealous teenage girl assaults father’s lover

Drama as a jealous teenage girl assaults father’s lover. Nonsikelelo Dube (18) of Mkhosana suburb struck Ms Sibonisiwe Ncube (46) with a stone on the head before attacking her using an unknown object.

A jealous teenage girl from Victoria Falls has been arrested after she assaulted a neighbour she suspected of having a love affair with her father.

Dube accused Ms Ncube, who is the complainant of having an affair with her father whose name was not given in court. Dube pleaded guilty to one count of assault when she appeared before Victoria Falls magistrate Ms Lindiwe Maphosa yesterday.

The magistrate sentenced her to nine months in jail.

She will however not serve the jail term after the magistrate suspended three months for five years on condition of good behaviour, before suspending the remaining six months on condition she completes 210 hours of community. Dube will do the unpaid work at the Victoria Falls Magistrates’ Courts.

In mitigation, Dube, who said she has a newborn baby, pleaded for the court’s leniency saying she got infuriated after Ms Ncube called her a prostitute. Prosecuting, Mr Bheki Tshabalala said the accused and the complainant were neighbours.

“On the 12th of August at around 6.30 pm and in Mfelandawonye section of Mkhosana, the accused met the complainant along a road and accused her of dating her father. A misunderstanding ensued resulting in Dube picking a stone and hitting the complainant once on the head with it,” said the prosecutor.

He said Dube used an unknown object to attack the complainant causing her some injuries on the right hand. Ms Ncube sustained some injuries and was treated at Victoria Falls District Hospital. A report was made to the police leading to Dube’s arrest.

Source – Zimbos eXpress

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