Doctor caught with expired and unregistered drugs Gutu

Gutu based doctor Tapiwa Mupepe was on Friday fined $1 200 by a Gutu magistrate after he was found in possession of expired and unregistered drugs at his surgery.

Mupepe (35) who is stationed at Gutu Rural Hospital appeared before Gutu Magistrate Victor Mohamadi facing two counts of contravening the Medicines and Allied Substances Control Act.
The State said that on July 14, 2020, at Makomborero Clinic in Gutu inspectors from Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ) who were carrying out inspections on medical facilities approached the clinic which is owned by Mupepe.

The inspectors introduced themselves to Mupepe and made inspections at the clinic. They found medicines with expired dates. They also found unregistered medicines as they did not appear on the register of human medicines kept in terms of the Medicines and Allied Substances Control Act Chapter 15:03.

Some of the unregistered medicines found included Omeprazole 20mg capsules, Atenolol 50mg capsules, Diclofenac, Azithromycin, Nifedipine, Hydrocortisone/Cin chocaine among others.
Mupepe pleaded guilty to the charges and was fined $400 on the first count and $800 on the second.

Kudakwashe Muza appeared for the State.-Masvingo 

Source – Zimbos eXpress

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