Villagers arrest Zesa transformer thieves

VILLAGERS at Dillion farm, Shamva teamed up and effected citizen arrest on three Harare suspected Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC), transformer thieves.

The matter came to light at Bindura magistrates courts on Tuesday where Jafali Pias Milaz (19), Munya Tinashe Magumise (26) and Zacharia Chiruwanda appeared before magistrate Amos Mubhobho.

The trio pleaded not guilty and was remanded in custody to August 18.

The state-led by Samson Chamu alleged on August 1 the trio drove to Dillon farm in a silver Toyota Granvia registration number ADM 7205.

Upon arrival they were spotted by Edison Jisinawu buying some drinks at a local shop, he became suspicious of their move and advised the village youth chairperson Josphat Zvomuya.

Zvomuya mobilized scores of villagers to monitoring the trio’s move.

When the suspects arrived at the ZETDC transformer Milaz switched off power and they dismantled the transformer.

Soon after dismantling it the villagers came to the scene and the suspects fled in different directions.

Villagers chased the suspects and were caught before being surrendered to Shamva police station.

The transformer was recovered and ZETDC employee identified it, their car is being kept at the police station as exhibit

Source -Zimbos eXpress

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