Police arrest 8051 machete gangs

Notorious machete-wielding gangs who terrorised gold mining communities in 2019 have reportedly resurfaced with police claiming to have arrested a large number of them.

The gangs, popularly known as Mashurugwi and or Al Sabab would rob, attack and or kill miners and some members of the public.

Speaking amid reports that the gangs have resurfaced, national police spokesperson Paul Nyathi said police were running a national operation Chikorokoza Ngachipere premised at ending the reign of machete-wielding gangs in the country.He told the Daily News that police had arrested 8051 machete wielders. Nyathi added:

The Jumbo mining area in Mazowe had the most arrests followed by other arrests in Bindura, Manicaland,Midlands in Gokwe and Shurugwi and Matabeleland South in Gwanda, Maphisa and Matopo.Currently there are areas that we are monitoring, but for now I cannot reveal the exact locations because the individuals being monitored might be alerted. What I can assure you is that we are ready to strike any minute from now.

The Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association (Zela) recently revealed in its latest situation report that the machete gangs had resurfaced attributing the development to the effects of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic lockdown.

Source – Zimbos eXpress

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