Curtains set on fire as 10 thugs pounce on helpless ‘Mabasa’ “Uchafira Mahara”

A MAN from Tshabalala suburb escaped death by a whisker last week on Saturday after unknown assailants smashed his window panes and set the curtains ablaze.

A source close to investigations said the suspects were more than 10 and were travelling in a Toyota Hiace omnibus.

The source went on to say the assailants lit a fire near Michael Mabasa (57)’s bedroom.

A neighbour who spoke to B-Metro on condition of anonymity said the unknown men were peeping through a window: “Some of the men smashed his bedroom windowpanes while some set the curtains ablaze. They peeped through the window saying: “Iwe Mabasa uchafira mahara (Mabasa you will die for nothing).”

The assailants were not done yet as one of the men threw burning grass inside the bedroom.

“It burned a few clothes before he quickly put out the fire,” he said.

The suspects seemed to be eager to inflict more pain to the helpless Mabasa as they went for his kitchen door and tried to open it with a sharp iron object but failed.

“Seeing that they were failing to open the door they shouted: Iwe Mabasa vhura door uchafira mahara (Mabasa open the door you will die for nothing).

Sensing death Mabasa screamed forcing the unknown men to flee in their Toyota Hiace omnibus,” said the neighbour.

A report was made to the police.

Deputy Bulawayo police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Nomalanga Msebele said: “We are investigating a case of malicious damage to property where unknown men who are on the run and were travelling in a Hiace omnibus pounced at Michael Mabasa’s house in Tshabalala suburb. They shattered bedroom window panes. They also threw lit grass inside the bedroom.”

Asst Insp Msebele appealed to members of the public who might have information on the whereabouts of the suspects to contact any nearest police station.

She also appealed to members of the public to phone their neighbours when they face a problem or to call police on toll-free numbers

Source – Zimbos eXpress

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