Hopewell Chin’ono denied bail again

Hopewell Chin’ono denied bail again. Our lawyers Beatrice Mtetwa, Doug Coltart, and Gift Mtisi tried all they could to that Hopewell gets released on bail but the High Court decided otherwise.” ZLHR said in a statement.

High court Judge Justice Tawanda Chitapi has denied bail to journalist Hopewell Chin’ono who is facing serious charges of i8nciting public violence, Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights has revealed.”

At the time or writing, Hopewell’s lawyers were waiting to get a copy of Justice Chitapi’s judgment to assist them in determining the next step to take.

Chin’ono and opposition politician Jacob Ngarivhume were arrested last month on charges of inciting public violence. Police forced their way into Chin’ono’s home in Harare’s Chisipite suburb to arrest him.

There have been calls from Western embassies and international bodies to have him and opposition activist Ngarivhume, who was arrested on the same day, released.

Source – Zimbos eXpress

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