Man arrested for Tweeting that the world now knows the kind of crocodile we are dealing with

Man arrested for Tweeting that the world now knows the kind of crocodile we are dealing with. George Makonzo was charged with criminal nuisance and incitement as he stood before Mwenezi Magistrate Honest Musiiwa.

A 32-year-old man from Mwenezi in Masvingo Province has been hurled before the courts after he was arrested by ZRP officers for tweeted that the president who is sometimes referred to as the crocodile’s true colours had been shown, The Zimbabwean reports.

It is the state’s case that Makonzo used an unknown gadget to post some comments on Twitter on Friday 24 July 2020 saying; “It’s no longer business as usual for E.D, now the whole world knows the true colours of a crocodile we are dealing with.

Makonzo also reportedly tweeted that; “Hopewell will be remembered for the great job he is doing while those corrupt ones trying to run but they will have nowhere to run to. That day will come.” Prosecutors are alleging that Makonzo intended to cause nuisance and disrupt peace and demonstrate against President Mnangagwa’s government.

Masiiwa remanded him out of custody on $1 000 Bail and ordered him to report at a local police station once a fortnight till his trial starts on 27 August 2020.

Source – Zimbos eXpress

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