High Court orders police to release abducted ZimLive editor’s nephew

High Court orders police to release abducted ZimLive editor’s nephew. Nqobani Sithole filed an urgent chamber application before the High Court of Bulawayo on the 31st of July 2020 around 15:00hrs for a habeas corpus of Muchehiwa. He filed the application representing MISA Zimbabwe.

The High Court in Bulawayo on Saturday ordered the Officer in Charge of CID Law and Order Section in Bulawayo and the Officer Commanding Police in Bulawayo to produce within 72 hours Tawanda Muchehiwa, a citizen who was abducted on Thursday, 30 July 2020.

According to MISA Zimbabwe, Muchehiwa is nephew to ZimLive Editor Mduduzi Mathuthu whose home was ransacked by police on the same evening of the 30th of July 2020. He was arrested by the Police in Mahatshula Suburb in Bulawayo but the police who arrested him later professed ignorance as to his whereabouts.

Muchehiwa was last seen in the custody of the police at Bulawayo Central Police Station after he was separated from Amandlenkosi Mathuthu and Advent Mathuthu whose whereabouts are now known. High Court judge Justice Martin Makonese declared Muchehiwa’s detention is illegal and unlawful and he must be released forthwith.

Source – Zimbos eXpress

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