Drunk man r_pes boy (14)

A teenager who helped a drunk man who had stumbled told police he was dragged to an abandoned house and r_ped by the man.

The man, 40, was later arrested and charged with r_pe. He was to appear at the Kabokweni Magistrate’s Court on Friday.

Allegations are that the teen, 14, was walking in Pienaar, Mpumalanga on Wednesday around 7pm when he came across the accused lying in the road.

The teen, who knows the man as they live in the same neighbourhood, is said to have helped the man up. They walked to their respective homes together.

According to Brigadier Leonard Hlathi of the Mpumalanga Police, while the two were walking, they came across an abandoned building and the man dragged the boy inside, tore his clothes and allegedly r_ped him.

After the r_pe the boy rushed home and told his parents what had happened.

“When he related his ordeal to his parents, the boy indicated that he actually spotted this man known to him, lying down helplessly and helped him get up.

Source – Zimbos eXpress

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