Former Studio 263 actress Tinopona Katsande overdoses friend with cocaine! brings dead body in a taxi, disappears

Former Studio 263 actress Tinopona Katsande never shies from controversy with a recent brush with the law when she transported her dead friend’s body in a taxi without notifying the police.

In an incident short of a horror movie, Tin Tin ferried Rebecca Chinyerere (45) in a hired taxi to her parent’s place in Belvedere, Harare on Tuesday after she allegedly collapsed and died in her bathroom.

The case has been reported to the police under RRB number 4381452 at Avondale police station, H Metro reports.

The body of the deceased will be buried tomorrow in Guruve.

Rebecca had two sons and the family spokesperson, Ishmael Chinyerere, is appalled by Tino’s decision ti hire a taxi without informing police or her relatives.

“We know that death is there, but the way Tino failed to respect it left us with more questions than answers”, Ishmael laments.

Allegations are that Tino came to pick up the late Rebecca from her house on Monday despite her brother’s protestations since she was on medication.

Rebecca, however, insisted on going since she was taking her two sons with her.

Tino is alleged to have brought Rebecca’s body in the same taxi with her two sons.

“She came and picked up my daughter only to bring back her body,

“Handizive kuti pane chakaitika ikoko here, munongoziva mafungiro edu echivanhu, munhu waabva naye achifamba nevana cake, kwozouya kwanzi chava chitunha,

“Munongofungira pane zvakaitika nyangwe musina proof, munongofunga kuti kuda ndizvo zvaamutakurira.”

“If she was a normal person, when she saw that her friend had collapsed, she should have called the brother to inform him.

“From the night she came with the body, we thought sh was going to come just to show remorse, but we haven’t seen her”, he said.

However, a close source alleges there is a suspected cocaine overdose which the late Rebecca was supposed to go into rehab for.

“Rebecca was a drug addict, but she had since stopped up until recently she came back from Chakari where she had been staying.

“When she came back here, Tino came to pick her up and spent a week with her only to return not feeling well.

“Tino also dumped her again here.

“From the hospital records, it is noted that she had used cocaine so she was set to start rehab soon, that is when Tino came to pick her up again.

“Before Tino came, she had received US$80 from a friend in Europe,” said the source.

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