Form 3 boy forces 8 year old to suck his manhood

A wayward third former enrolled at Masvingo High in the country’s oldest city has been arraigned before the courts of law facing r_pe charges amid revelations that he also forced an eight-year-old girl to s_ck and caress his manhood.

The Form 3 student, who together with his victim cannot be named for ethical reasons, is alleged to have s_xually abused the girl on a number of occasions between December 2019 and January 2020.

The court also heard that the boy serially committed the s_xual offences at 4 Brigade in Masvingo.

His case was postponed to next week after the matter was brought before Magistrate Dambudzo Malunga.

State prosecutor Liberty Hove said the rogue high school student who is also friends with the sister of the 8-year-old girl took advantage of the friendship to r_pe the juvenile on a number of occasions.

Hove said the accused would habitually invite the complainant into the house, into the field and behind a tree where he would s_xually abuse her.

The despicable habits of the accused were brought to the surface on January 5, 2020 after the complainant revealed the serial s_xual abuses at his hands to the boy’s younger sister.

A report was then made at Masvingo Central Police Station after the two girls had narrated the case to the complainant’s mother. mirror

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