Chaos as man beds both Woman and her real boyfriend: Pics and WhatsApp chats

Drama as lover beds both girlfriend and her boyfriend: Pics. So we are indeed experiencing shocking things these days. Crazy things that we thought we would never see happening in our lives.

We are witnessing changes that the social community used to call normal is changing bit by bit. The 21st century is coming with new things and breaking all the things we used to call taboo. Boys are marrying boys, girls are marrying girls and some are even wedding with animals. These are changes that have come with the 21st century.

There was drama and chaos on Instagram last night when Whatsapp chats of a crazy story leaked in the morning. Untold stories that we thought would never happen especially in Zimbabwe. The story we have is of a man who slept with both a girlfriend and her boyfriend.

So this is what was happening. A girl called Lisa was apparently cheating his boyfriend with some guy called Bobby and inturn Bobby was sleeping with Lisa’s boyfriend as well who goes by the name of Takunda.

The girl Lisa finally caught what was happening and leaked steamy and romantic WhatsApp chats that Bobby and Takunda were having. They were both playing Lisa whilst she thought she was the one in control. Check the WhatsApp chats below…


The work is really turning upside down. What’s your take on the story?

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