Age is nothing but just a number as 19-year-old boy marry a 39-year-old woman: Pics

Age is nothing but just a number as 19-year-old boy marry a 39-year-old woman: Pics. I guess the above statement is true after all as we are witnessing changes that the social community used to call normal is changing bit by bit. The 21st century is coming with new things and breaking all the things we used to call taboo. Boys are marrying boys, girls are marrying girls and some are even wedding with animals. These are changes that have come with the 21st century.

Today social media was set ablaze after pictures of a wedding went viral on the internet. The reason why the wedding went viral was because of the age difference between the partners. Society is or was used to see a man older as 50 years old marrying a 16-year-old girl and it was very normal, but if it was the other way round it would be seen as a taboo a curse of some sort.

This was the case today as a 19-year-old man wedded a 39-year-old woman and they seemed happy. The two are head over heels in love with each other and it is evident in the pictures they shared which have gone viral on social media. Check the pictures below


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